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ExeForm Online Technical Support Service - 10 Hours Package 10 Hours Packag

ExeForm Online Technical Support Service - 10 Hours Package 10 Hours Packag

ExeForm Online Technical Support Service - 10 Hours Package Publisher's Description

ExeForm On Line Video Encoding Technical Support Service. The On Line Video Encoding Technical Support Outsourcing Industry is growing rapidly. We have been working in the on line encoding video sector for over 10 years. The ExeForm Team developed for you a very simple process. Just upload (using our On Line FTP Web Server Process) your digital file in AVI format or MPEG format (MAX 4 GIG Size per upload) and the ExeForm Team will start broadcasting your video to your world wide audience. We also know that when you are outsourcing on line technical support, you want to avoid being lost in a crowd of clients. That is why we put the spotlight on you, serving only the best! If you want the best solution for outsourced technical support, look no further. ExeForm `s On Line Video Technical Support Services are the best! Capturing, encoding and deploying streaming video in Windows Media or Flash video format is a complex process. If you've already begun on your own and need technical support, we can provide consulting services to help you through the two most common areas associated with streaming video. Selecting the right parameters for bit rate, frame rate, and video size are the most common stumbling blocks for individuals new to encoding streaming video. If you don't select the correct settings, your video won't look good. We can help you sort through the maze of choices. The most common problem in deploying streaming video is how to make it stream like a TV Broadcasting Show, instead of downloading the video file and then playing. It can be a frustrating problem, but we can help you so that your streaming video clips play correctly. The tech support charges for streaming video vary depending upon the complexity of the issue and the amount of time to be spent. Our minimum on line tech support charge is Euro 75. You will always be told in advance what your charges will be before we provide any service or consulting. Again, let me thank you for taking the time to consider the ExeForm On Line Video Encoding Technical Support Service. The Author of ExeForm Web Channel and ExeForm Web TV Manager - Joseph Caristena

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